350 rub
Journal №11 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Definition of Carotinoides in Fructus Rosa sp
O.V. Trineeva, E.F. Safonova, A.I. Slivkin
Last years along with search of new herbs profound studying of the raw materials traditionally applied in medicine is spent. Researches are directed, first of all, on definition of a structure of biologically active substances and working out of modern and rational techniques of standardization of vegetative raw materials. The dogrose is long since known as a valuable medicinal and food plant, widespread in Eurasia. Carotinoids in hips according to the standard documentation don't define. However, plants containing carotinoids draw attention of researchers owing to their perspectivity in reception of medical products of a wide spectrum of action. Control over the total maintenance of carotinoids can be carried out with the help by the method of spectrophotometry as the given connections have electronic spectra of absorption with maxima at 422-428, 444-450 and 472-484 nanometers. Spectra of absorption of extraction from hips and a standard solution β - carotin have a similar appearance in a range of lengths of waves of 400-500 nanometers with the maximum value of optical density in ethanol at 450 nanometers that is characteristic for β - carotin. The technique of quantitative definition of the sum of carotinoids in hips in recalculation on β - carotin is developed. The relative error of definition doesn't exceed 0.22 %. For a completeness establishment of extraction carotinoids from hips degree influence of mincing raw materials, polarity of dissolvent, parities of raw materials and dissolvent and optimum time of extraction has been studied. The maximum extraction of carotinoids from hips is reached at crushing of raw materials till the size of particles of 0.2 mm. For extraction of the sum of carotinoids from hips in experiment water, spirit and their mixes in various parities are used. The best dissolvent for allocation of carotinoids from hips are 40 % ethanol. At research of influence of polarity of dissolvent on an exit of carotinoids it is established that to increase in polarity to 7 measurements sizes there is an increase of extraction carotinoids. Optimum time of extraction has made 60 minutes. Hips contain enough of carotinoids in comparison with such its known medicinal source as sea-buckthorn berries fruits. Definition β-carotin in extraction from hips is spent by method ТLC. Results the analysis by the method of TLC testify to the maintenance β - carotin that allows to consider perspective use of hips in applied medicine not only as a source of vitamin C and group vitamins In, but also as an additional source of carotinoids.
Pages: 19-23
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