350 rub
Journal №11 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Antimutagen Potential of Biological Composition of Bee-Bread
L.T. Akhmetova, D.G. Fatikhova, Z.Z. Sibgatullin, S.Y. Garmonov
Demutagenic, bioantimutagenic and biostimulating effects of bee-bread-s biological composition have been discovered through bacterial test systems on Salmonella typhimurium TA100 and Escherichia coli PQ37 strains. Biocomposition of bee bread lowered the frequency of induced mutations by 53-78 % in Aims-s test, and to almost complete disappearance of the genotoxic effect of mitomicine C in SOS - chromotest. Research results of the biological complex of the bee origin, characterize bee bread as an biologically active substance that has antimutagenic potential. Its bioantimutagenic, demutagenic and growth stimulating effect can be explained that the composition includes a wide spectrum of vitamins-antioxidants, amino-acids, enzymes, micro and macroelements. Discovered results in addition to the data, demonstrating the absence of toxic and mutagenic properties of bee-bread, uncover the possibility of using the substance as a component in medicines for prevention of induced mutagenesis in human organism.
Pages: 15-18
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