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Journal №11 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Specific Optical Activitu and Association of the Bisbenzylisoquinoline Alkaloids Molecules of the Isochondodendrine Series in Acidic Solutions
O.P. Sheichenko, V.I. Sheichenko, O.N. Tolkachev
There has been carried out a comparative study of specific optical activity (SOA) of cycleanine (I) and isochondodendrine (II) in different solvents and in mineral and organic acids at various concentrations of the alkaloids and acids. Correlation of SOR with the conformation of the methylimino group and with the concentration of the alkaloids, with the type of the solvents and the acids used was found. The form of the concentration curves of the alkaloids were shown to be dependent on the association processes in solutions. Equation formulae, curves and the tables of experimental data are given. Molecular modeling of the association processes were carried out. Concentration dependence of SOA (tables and curves) in different solvents and acids are presented. The SOA changes were shown to be connected with the mechanism of the alkaloids association in solutions, with the conformations of the methylammonium groups and on the temperature of the measurements. The maximal changes of SOA were found for aqueous solutions of the salts. Discussions on the concentration dependence mechanism of the structures on SOA for the alkaloids I - III are given.
Pages: 4-10
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