350 rub
Journal №1 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Organization of Cytoskeleton of the Cross-Striated Myocyte
Yu.A. Khoroshkov, N.A. Odintsova
Using the scanning and transmissive electron microscopy methods the morphological analysis of structural-functional organization of cytoskeleton of the cross-striated myocyte was made. The structural complexes of cytoskeleton are connected closely with constricting system of myocyte was found. These complexes guarantee total integration and local connections with sarcolemma, stabilize the architectonics of myofibrils and form buffer mechanisms between them. Complexes proteins of cytoskeleton surround myofibrils in the line «Z» area. It are more important elements of integrating system of the constricting apparatus of myocyte. Most large complexes proteins of cytoskeleton are concentrated in the line «Z» area around of the constricting apparatus. It form local connections with sarcolemma. These connections form also less large complexes proteins of cytoskeleton, which are concentrated in the line «M» area. Structural proteins of cytoskeleton form inside and outer carcass of sarcolemma, which fulfils also the supporting function of design myocyte.
Pages: 229-232
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