350 rub
Journal №1 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Arnica Foliosa Nutt. Pharmacological Properties of Dry Extract from the Herb of Arnica
A.I. Baginskaya, T.E. Leskova, J.A. Leonidova, M.F. Mineeva, V.K. Kolhir, T.A. Sokolskaya
The pharmacological activity of dry extract from the herb of Arnica (DEHA) was studied. It was established that Arnica dry extract has no effect on hemodynamics characteristics (systolic and minute volume of blood flow) in rats, but possesses a distinct hypercoagulation activity - significantly speeds up the blood clotting time, increases tolerance to heparin and thrombin activity in the rabbit plasma. DEHA didn-t relieve acetylcholine bronchospasm and spasm of the ileum in guinea pigs. DEHA inhibited the growth of cholesterol level in blood of animals in term of experimental «tritone» hyperlipidemia. It has been found a marked dose-dependent (stimulating) choleretic activity of DEHA with duration up to two hours. The gastroprotective activity of the DEHA was evaluated in experimental models of stomach ulcers (80 % ethanol-, 0.6 M hydrochloric acid-, caffeine-arsenic- and pylorus ligation- induced ulcers). DEHA is practically non-toxic. Thus, DEHA is a perspective to develop a new herbal remedy to stimulate the bile secretion, to stop mucosal blood flow and subsequent healing (reparation) of gastric mucosal lesions.
Pages: 189-195
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