350 rub
Journal №1 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
The Application of the Original Specific Enzymatic Biotest-Systems in vitro to Study the Biological Activity of Triterpenoid Glycosides and Flavonoids
I.A. Lupanova, M.F. Mineeva, V.K. Kolhir, L.B. Strelkova, T.A. Sokolskaya
In this work triterpene glycosides bikolorozides A and B from Gypsophila bicolor and flavonoids quercetin and its glycoside rutin were used how the object of investigations. To study the molecular mechanisms of action and to determine the role of the structure of the carbohydrate part the specific enzyme biotest-systems in vitro are applied. Direct influence studied substances on enzymes glutationreductase (GR), catalase (CAT), сytochrome P450, glutathiontransferase (GTP) and pyruvate kinase (PK) playing a regulatory role in adaptation processes was defined. BKA and BKB differ in effects on GR and CAT, and do not show adaptogenic properties. Ruthin has a direct increasing effect on the GR and CAT. Previously it was shown that this effect is characteristic of BAS with antioxidant action. At the same time quercetin inhibits GR on 18 % and CAT on 20 %. These results show the antimicrobial properties of quercetin. All investigated substances (triterpene glycosides and flavonoids) have a direct activating effect on the activity сytochrome P450 (center of hydroxylation and demethylation). Only BKB has no significant effect on the center of сytochrome-s P450 center of demethylation. The most pronounced effect was showed by quercetin and rutin. All investigated substanses also increased the rate of GTP. The most activating effect of BKB was higher then the effect of BKA. Bikolorozid A significantly increases the PC reaction (on 20 %), and bikolorozid B almost has no effect on the enzyme. Quercetin and rutin significantly increase the speed of the PC-reaction. These results show the similarities in structure of substances. However, rutin (glycoside of quercetin) increases the reaction of PC on 22 % higher than quercetin. In summary the differences in the structure of the carbohydrate part of studied substances shows up in quantitively differential effect on the essential enzymes of homeostasis.
Pages: 172-178
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