350 rub
Journal №1 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Determination Marmezina in Fruit-s Ammi-s Majuis L. Method HPLC
T.B. Shemeryankina, O.B. Nikolaeva, T.A. Sokolskaya, T.D. Dargaeva
Currently, an important issue in modern medicine is treatment and prevention of skin diseases, among which a special place is occupied by fungal infections. According to the results of WHO more than 40 % of the world population are carriers of fungal infections. One solution to this problem is the use of drugs derived from plants. Promising in this regard can be considered the fruit of Ammi great - Ammi majus L., a family of Celery (umbrella) - Apiaceae. (Umbelliferae) constitutes an annual herbaceous plant. In wild-growing form of Ammi majus L. grows on the European shores of the Mediterranean and North Africa, in Russia as a rare, wild, only on the southern coast of Crimea. Cultivated mainly in specialized farms in Krasnodar Territory, Russian Federation, at experimental stations crop Belgorod, Moscow and other regions. Fruits of Ammi great source of the drug are Anmarin (Ilzomarin) The chemical structure Anmarin is a mixture of two isomers angidromarmezina - 5'-isopropenyl-4 ', 5'-digidropsoralena and 5'izopropilpsoralena. These isomers are produced by fusion marmezina, isolated from the fruits of Ammi great. The aim of this study was to develop a more sensitive, selective and precise method for determining the fruit marmezina ammi large - the method of high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) For a quantitative evaluation of the content in the fruit marmezina ammi big developed a method of quantitative determination marmezina using the HPLC method. Active ingredient content was determined in terms of the standard sample marmezina using the external standard method. Development of methodology for quantitative analysis marmezina involved the following stages: 1. Selection of a chromatographic conditions are optimal for determining marmezina. 2. Assessment of the suitability of the parameters of the chromatographic system. 3. Development of methods of sample preparation the fruits of Ammi big ensuring the highest extraction efficiency. 4. Evaluation of the characteristics of the validation of the developed technique.
Pages: 153-159
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