350 rub
Journal №1 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Anatomical and diagnostic features of grape leaves Vitis vinifera L
V.N. Dul, T.D. Dargaeva, T.A. Sokol-skaya, K.A.Pupykina, R.R. Fajzullina, Ya.F. Kopyt-ko
Results of anatomo diagnostio study of Vitis vinifera leaves by microscopy. There were revealed diagnostic features allowing to identified the grape leaves. In the study of the leaf blade are visible on the surface cells of the epidermis, beneath the upper epidermis cells are columnar mesophyll. Stomata concentrated on lower side. Under the lower epidermis are cells of spongy mesophyll. For grape leaf epidermis is characterized as the presence of different types of trichomes, which may be regarded as diagnostically significant signs when establishing the authenticity of raw materials. Trichomes on the lower epidermis are represented by numerous multicellular hairs, covered with warty cuticle and arranged along the veins, glandular hairs with multicellular head on a single-celled stalk. On the upper epidermis trichomes are large, simple hairs with folded cuticle. When considering the leaf blades revealed the presence of mineral inclusions in the form of nodules, mostly along the veins and rafid presenting clusters of needle crystals. A cross section of the main stem (petiole), second order veins and the histochemical reaction was performed with a 1% solution of phloroglucinol with concentrated hydrochloric acid under the action of the elements which лигнифицированные mechanical tissues and xylem vessels were painted in red and crimson. Thus, our microscopic study allowed us to study and establish the anatomical and diagnostic features grape leaves (red vine leaves) cultural. These results were obtained for the first time and will be included in the regulatory document for raw materials, which regulates their quality.
Pages: 109-113
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