350 rub
Journal №9 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Okeanol of the Activity of Phospholipase A1 Mononuclear Cells in Atherosclerosis
S.N. Bobkova, M.M. Rasulov, O.A. Belikov, N.P. Shimanovskaya, M.K. Nurbekov
Research objective was studying of clinical efficiency of oceanol and its influence on an exchange of lipids and activity of lyzosomal lipolytic enzyme from a class hydrolase PHLА1. 22 patients with ICD are included In research: a stenocardia of pressure II FК (men), middle age - 52,5±5,3 years. All patients within 30 days before research received standard therapy which if necessary included nitrates, desegregates, inhibitors of angiotenzyn-converting enzyme, and then as a part of complex treatment within 6 weeks in addition to basic therapy received domestic BUD «Oceanol» (ω-3) in a dose 4 kaps./days (1540 mg ω-3- polynonsaturated fat acids). Dynamics of a condition of patients estimated by quantity stenocardia attacks for days and to quantity of consumed nitroglycerine for days. Tolerance to physical activity supervised on Bruce. Quality of a life of patients estimated on «to the Seattle questionnaire for a stenocardia». The cholesterol maintenance and thryglycerides defined of enzymatic methods, cholesterol of lipoprotheids high density - in supernatants of magnesium chloride. Cholesterol of lipoprotheids low density counted under formula W. Friedwald. Defined an index of atherogenesys. Macrophages allocated in a gradient fikol-verografin. Activity PHLА1 defined radiometric methods with use as a substratum synthesised by us 1-atsil-2 (1-14С)-oleoil-glitsero-3, sn - phosphorylcholine. After inclusion Oceanol in structure of complex therapy, indicators of quality of a life on SAQ in 1,5 months has authentically improved on 24,2 %. Also it is revealed, as clinical characteristics of patients in 1,5 months have undergone essential changes. By the end of supervision the authentic increase in tolerance to physical activity by results of the tredmil-test is noted. At the same time, against spent standard treatment the raised level of activity PHLА1 mononuclears was observed. After addition to treatment Oceanol, at patients with ICD fall of general activity PHLА1 of macrophages on 16 % and decrease in level of cholesterol, lipoprotheides low density, thryglycerides, index of atherogenesys was marked. Concentration increase in whey of blood of lipoprotheids high density under influence ω-3- polynonsaturated fat acids can be a consequence of the increased formation of lipoprotheids high density - like fragments of particles of lipoprotheids very low density at them lipoprotheidlipolysis, so-called pre - β lipoprotheids high density, possessing high ability to delete of cholesterol from cellular membranes. System activation of lysosomal lipolys is considered as compensation reaction of fermental systems against prevalence nonspecific, noncontrollable endocytosys modified of lipoprotheids low density or supramolecular lipoprotheids low density - containing complexes. Along with it, changes in a condition of lysosomal the device can be regarded and as adaptable reorganisations at a stage lipoidosis, and as result of functional insufficiency at a stage of formation of a fibrous plaque. Reactions PHLА1 specify in structurally - functional infringements in activity of subcellular structures at atherosclerosis development.
Pages: 65-69
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