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Journal №9 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Metallothionein as the Biomarker in Experiment and Clinical Picture
L.M. Shafran, E.G. Pykhtieieva, D.V. Bolshoy
Metallothioneins (MTN) are the family of high-specific low-molecular metalloproteins which are found out in representatives practically all eukaryotes and many prokaryotes. The important biological role of MTN in processes of ability to live of cages and metaphytes is earlier proved.
MTN show high affinity to ions of many one-and bivalent metals and carry out in a human body and animals, not only transport, but also a wide spectrum of other physiological functions in this connection quantitative determination of the content of MTN has the big diagnostic and prognostic significance.
Existing methods of metallothioneins in human and animals biosubstrata determination are considered in the article.
The method that developed by authors and received application in practice, cheap enough and accessible practically for any laboratory equipped for the analysis of biosubstrata on heavy metals and had the qualified chemist-analyst is offered and is described. The method is based on saturation of metallothioneins by cadmium in vitro with the subsequent quantitative determination of the content of cadmium in sample using AAS and AES methods.
Experiment for an induction of MTN synthesis is carried out by zinc sulphate on white rats. Concentration of MTN is measured in a liver; growth of the content of MTN in comparison with the control is shown. Comparison of methods is carried out and possibility of application of a method of saturation with AAS and the AES ending depending on presence of the corresponding device is proved.
Pages: 60-65
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