350 rub
Journal №9 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
The Experimental Study of Prevention Effect of Plants Enriched by Selenium on Transplantable Tumors Models in Mice
V.P. Deryagina, N.I. Rizhova, N.A. Golubkina, E.A. Antoshina, T.G. Gorkova
Effect of Se-enriches plants: sweet pepper (Se-P; Se content 1 mg/kg), spirulina (Se-Sp; Se content 1 g/kg), a combination of Se-Sp with gallic acid and Se-Sp with indol-3-carbinol - on growth of skin transplanted Ehrlich carcinoma in Balb/c and F1 (C57BlxCBA) male mice was investigated. Water suspensions of the above compounds were being inserted to mice per os before and after Ehrlich carcimona transplantation during all the experiment. Sweet pepper or Se-P in a dose of 1000 mg/kg were shown to cause short time depression of tumor growth in Balb/c mice by 37-65 % and 42-62 % of tumor volume (р < 0,01; p < 0,05) accordingly. Spirulina or Se-Sp in the same dose resulted in 1,4-1,6 increased of latent period of tumor nods formation and invariably inhibited the development of tumors by 41-76 % (р < 0,01; p < 0,05) and 41-88 % (р < 0,01; p < 0,05) in F1 mice. A direct correlation between Se in the diet and its concentration in blood, liver, kidney and tumors was detected. Sweet pepper, Se-P and Sp caused 24.6-114.1 % increase of endogen production of nitrogen oxides derivatives: nitrates and nitrites.
Pages: 49-56
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