350 rub
Journal №9 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Influence of Pharmacological Product on the Basis Of Hopantenic Acid, Succinic Acid and Chitosan on Rats Tissues Free-Radical Homeostasis under Brain Ischemia/Reperfusion
O.A. Safonova, A.I. Slivkin, T.N. Popova, S.N. Suslina, D.A. Slivkin
The purpose of the present work was research of new pharmacological product on the basis of hopantenic acid, succinic acid and chitosan influence on free-radical oxidation (FO) processes intensity and activities of enzymes-antioxidants - superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase in tissues of rats under brain ischemia/ reperfusion (BIR). Males of white rats with weight of 150-200 g were used in experiments. BIR at rats was induced by 30-minutes occlusion of the general carotids and the subsequent occlusors removal. The admixture of hopantenic acid, succinic acid and low-molecular chitosan (Mr 16-20 кДа) in the ratio 4:4:1 was introduced to animals with the pathology intraperitoneally. The introduction was carried out in 11 mg/kg of weight dose in the form of 0,5 ml 0,9 % NaСl solution twice a day within 3 days. Brain homogenate and blood serum were used for investigations. FO processes level and the general antioxidant activity was estimated by biochemiluminescence method (BCL). Definition of diene conjugates (DC) concentration, SOD and catalase activities were spent spectrophotometrically. At tested product introduction to the animals with the brain pathology investigated BCL parameters, DC level, SOD and catalase activities, increasing in rats tissues under BIR, changed towards control. So, in the brain and blood serum there was a reduction of BCL lightsum (S) in 2,0 and 1,7 times, BCL maximum flash intensity (Imax) in 2,1 and 1,9 times, DC concentration in 1,4 and 1,2 times accordingly concerning the data under BIR. These changes of investigated parameters, reflecting free-radical processes level, can be explained from the point of view of new product components antioxidant properties display, their ability to normalize metabolism and to render neiroprotector effect as a whole. Under investigated product introduction, reduction of BCL kinetic curve fall angle tangent (tgα2) in 2,0 and 1, 6 times, SOD specific activity in 2,7 and 1,7 times, catalase activity in 1,6 and 1,5 times in the animals brain and blood serum accordingly concerning values at the pathology is observed. Most likely, it may be consequence of decrease in loading on the organism basic antioxidant links in the conditions of FO inhibition. Thus, application of pharmacological product on the basis of hopantenic acid, succinic acid and chitosan under brain postischemic reperfusion led to investigated indicators change towards control values. This fact, obviously, testifies about FO processes inhibition and antioxidant system functioning normalization owing to realization of antioxidant, antihypoxemic and neiroprotector effects of the introduced substances, their participation in the cellular metabolism normalization under the pathology connected with oxidative stress development.
Pages: 44-49
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