350 rub
Journal №9 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Stress Protective Properties of Synthetic and Vegetative Antioxidants
V.E. Novikov, N.O. Krjukova, A.V. Krikova, S.D. Leonov
In article results of experimental researches on influence diosmin and mexidol on stress are resulted. Estimate «triad» stress damage and intensity of lipid peroxidation in blood serum and stomach homogenate of experimental animals. Thus, diosmin and mexidol protect stomach mucous membrane from stress damages, reduce weight of the adrenal glands and increase thymus weight, i.e. diosmin and mexidol possess stress-protective activity. Diosmin and mexidol reduces lipid peroxidation in whey of blood and stomach homogenate of animals. On the basis of the received results we draw a conclusion that diosmin and mexidol possess stress protective properties.
Pages: 40-43
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