350 rub
Journal №9 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Dependence of Biological Activity of Triterpenoid Glycosides from the Structure of Glycoside Residue
I.A. Lupanova, M.F. Mineeva, V.K. Kolhir
Triterpene glycosides bikolorozides A and B from Gypsophila bicolor which differ only in the structure of the carbohydrate part were used as an object of the investigations. The standartized dry extract of ginseng root containing all of triterpene glycosides (panaksozides) was used as a reference agent. The original specific enzyme biotest-systems were used for the estimating of the carbohydrate moiety structure role in biological activity of the triterpene glycosides. To identify immunostimulating activity was used biotest-system based on NADPH-oxidase (the limitating enzyme of the immune system); to identify dopaminergic activity was used biotest-system based on tyrosine hydroxylase (the limitating enzyme of dopamine neurotransmitter system); to identify adaptogenic, antioxidant and antimicrobial activity were used used biotest-systems based on glutathione reductase and catalase. Bikolorozides A and B take the direct activating effect on NADPH-oxidase and inhibitory effect on tyrosine hydroxylase. The NADPH-oxidase reaction rate in the presence of bicolozides A and B was consequently 39 % and 69 % of that in the presence of protimosin-α, the natural activator of immunity; the tyrosine hydroxylase reaction rate was consequently 62 % and 83 % of control. Quantitively similarity the bikolorosides A and B effects on NADPH-oxidase and tyrosine hydroxylase in vitro demonstrate that some differences in the structure of the glycosidic residue are important for interaction on the limitating enzyme of the immune system and the limitating enzyme of dopamine neurotransmitter system. Qualitatively similarity of the bikolorosides A, B and ginseng extract effects is connected with common features in the triterpene glycoside structure. There were no effect of bikolorozides A and B on the catalase and glutathione reductase reaction rate. This demonstrate the absence of adaptogenic, antioxidant and antimicrobial activity.
Pages: 4-8
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