350 rub
Journal №8 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Trecrezan - inhibitor cholesterolesterazy platelet
S.N. Bobkova, M.M. Rasulov, O.A. Belikova, N.P.Shimanovskaya, M.G. Voronkov
27 patients IHD are included in research: a stenocardia of pressure II FC (17 men and 10 women), middle age - 55,4±6,7 years. The diagnosis verified on the basis of recommendations AAK/AAS/EOK, 2003 and Canadian classification StT in updating RCSC. Research does not join patients with an astable stenocardia, a heart attack of a myocardium prescription less than 3 months, with a heavy and malignant arterial hypertensia, with chronic warm insufficiency III-IV FC on NYHA, with a proof arterial hypotension (the GARDEN < 100 mm.hg.), with AV-blockade I - II-III degrees, a weakness syndrome sinus-s knot, with the expressed nephritic and hepatic insufficiency, and also with diseases or conditions which could affect objectivity of research. All patients within 30 days prior to the beginning of research received standard treatment. It is revealed, that against spent standard treatment increase of level of activity cholesterolesterazy platelet which, as is known, are a component of atherosclerotic process especially at early stages of damages was observed. Application of a domestic preparation trekrezan at patients IHD in complex therapy of an atherosclerosis improves reologic properties of blood and hemostasis indicators, reduces activity lysosomal enzyme of platelets - cholesterolesteraze, being one of indicators of activity of atherosclerotic process on 37 % and decrease in level of cholesterol, lipoproteins - very low, low density, триглицеридов and an index of atherogenics. Good shipping of a preparation, absence at it by-effects, and also its good compatibility with other preparations is noted. All it does not contradict results of other researches.
Pages: 61-64
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