350 rub
Journal №8 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Influence finely despersed powder of iron on morfofunctional the spleen condition (experimental research)
O.Yu. Sipaylova, S.V. Lebedev, E.A. Sizova
With the introduction of a two-month intraperitonialnom male rats «Wistar» weighing 190±8 in a solution of fine nanopowder iron (Fe3O4 c core Fe+3) at a dose of 20.8 mg / kg for 3 and 10 days. In the spleen of rats of experimental group I (third day) A high activity of macrophages. Their functional feature is the formation of siderofagov sideroblasts and the accumulation of iron granules in the cytoplasm, which were distributed uniformly throughout the cytoplasm. In the reticular tissue between the sinuses increased content of iron-containing pigment granules svobodnolezhaschih significantly in larger numbers than in the spleen of control group rats. The introduction of the solution nanopowder rats for 10 days (experimental group II) throughout the red pulp is enhanced accumulation of iron, which was located in the form of small granules with the formation of large conglomerates. Venous sinuses are full-blooded with a high content of iron and cellular elements in their lumen. Among the cells dominated by lymphocytes, lymphoblasts, a lot of sideroblasts, siderofagov with the accumulation of iron. White pulp of the spleen of rats reacted significant increase in cellular proliferative in the follicles. Sami follicles increased in size, they are practically absent from iron-containing pigment. Observed the formation of secondary centers of reproduction. Feature of cellular proliferative follicle is an accumulation of plazmoblastov and plasma cells in the emerging jet centers, mantle and marginal zones.
Pages: 43-47
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