350 rub
Journal №8 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Antioxidant activity of centaurea scabiosa extract during toxic liver affection in rats
M.S. Larkina, E.V. Saprykina, T.V. Kadyrova, E.V. Ermilova, R.A. Peshkina
Centaurea scabiosa L. is widely used in traditional medicine while different pathological conditions, has various chemical composition and considerable raw stock. Antioxidative properties of C. scabiosa aerial part extract are not studied. Subject of this paper is the investigation of antioxidative activity under rat-s liver acute toxic affection of C. scabiosa extract obtained from aerial part with 70% ethanol. The experiments were carried out on 56 male rats of 180-220 g. weight. The animals were divided on eight investigation groups. Group I - intact animals: received distilled water during 4 days. Animals from group II during 4 days received 50% oil solution of tetrachlormethane in dose 1 ml/kg for the hepatitis development. Animals from group III (control group) received equivolumetric quantities of vegetable oil during 4 days and 1% starch suspension during the next six days. Animals from group IV after hepatitis development received 1% starch suspension during six days. Groups V-VII - animals with hepatitis after the treatment by C. scabiosa aerial part extract on 1% starch suspension in doses 100, 200 and 400 mg/kg respectively during six days. As standard drug was used karsil in dose 100 mg/kg (group VIII). Lipid peroxidation processes were evaluated by diene conjugates and thiobarbiturate acid-active products levels in liver homogenate. For the investigations of antiradical activity of lipid-soluble cell membranes components (ARA) spectrophotometric method was used. It is based on the determination of lipid extract reactivity in the reaction with diphenylpicrinhydrasine (DFPH). During the application of C. scabiosa extract obtained with 70 % ethanol in doses 100 and 200 mg/kg for the therapy of acute toxic hepatitis caused by tetrachlormethane, normalization of LPO processes (diene conjugates level and thiobarbiturate acid-active products are normal) due to restoring of antioxidant system (catalase activity and APA are not vary from intact rats) is established. Centaurea scabiosa extract possesses antiradical activity and excel in intensity carsil, extract in dose 400 mg/kg possesses lower antioxidant activity.
Pages: 25-29
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