350 rub
Journal №8 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
HPLC as a method of the standardization of drugs and preparations of schizandra chinensis
F.Sh. Satdarova, V.A. Kurkin, V.B. Braslavsky
There were studied the perspectives of the using of high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) for the standardization of fruits and seeds of Schizandra chinensis (Turcz.) Baill. and preparations on their base. On the basis of the study of chemical composition of the fruits and seeds of Schizandra chinensis there were developed the methodological approaches to the standardization of drugs and preparations of this plant. There was established that in examples of the fruits and seeds of Schizandra chinensis the γ-schizandrin and schizandrin are two dominating lignans. There were studied the spectral and chromatographic characteristics of γ-schizandrin and schizandrin, isolated from the fruits and seeds of Schizandra chinensis.
There was substantiated the expediency of the using in the methodics of analysis of the state standard samples of γ-schizandrin.
There was carried out the method of HPLC-analysis of them on the chromatograph «Milichrom-5» (Russia) in the isocratic regime (stationary phase ? «Diasorb C18», mobile phase - mixture of acetonitrile and water in relationship 75:25, flow rate - 0,1 ml/min) with the detection of lignans by means of the analytical wavelength at λmax 254 and 280 nm. It was established, that the content of two dominating lignans in fruits is varied from 1,17 % to 1,27 %, in seeds - from 2,74 % to 2,86 %, in the tincture of fruits - from 0,37 % to 0,39 %, in the tincture of seeds - from 0,34 to 0,91 % (calculated on γ-schizandrin). The relative degrees of the determination of the content of two dominating lignans in developed methodics with confidence probability 0,95 are no more than ±2,20 % (in the fruits of Schizandra chinensis), ±1,53 % (in the seeds of Schizandra chinensis), ±4,55 % (in the tincture of Schizandra chinensis fruits and ±4,35 % (in the tincture of Schizandra chinensis seeds).
Pages: 17-25
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