350 rub
Journal №8 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Comparative research of target part метаbolomic
of close kinds of kalanchoe by chromatography
M.I. Volzhanova, S.N. Suslina, V.A. Bykov
In domestic medicine widely enough apply medical products on the basis of medicinal vegetative raw materials kalanchoe pinnata, however the raw materials of a close kind kalanchoe practically are not presented daigremontiana.
In pre-production models of tinctures by TLC and HPLC are identified coumaric acid, rutoside, hyperoside, quercetine. In tinctures of Kalanchoe daigremontiana and pinnata identified gallic, caffeic acids and kaempferol.
By means of method HPLC absence of significant distinctions in distribution of peaks of phenolic connections THM and THMF kalanchoe daigremontiana and kalanchoe pinnata is established that confirms similarity of qualitative structure of phenolic connections of the given tinctures.
The developed techniques of qualitative definition of the basic group of biologically active substances of raw materials with the help chromatography techniques is a starting point in working out of approaches of perfection of through standardization THМ kalanchoe daigremontiana and kalanchoe pinnata, THMF kalanchoe daigremontiana/pinnata.
Comparison chromatography profiles of a target part of metabolom (phenolic complexes) kalanchoe daigremontiana and kalanchoe pinnata has shown that distinctions between kinds каланахоэ are in borders of intraspecific variability of a chemical compound and testify to possibility of expansion of a raw-material base for preparation of tinctures homoeopathic matrix and tinctures of the homoeopathic matrix fermented.
Pages: 3-7
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