350 rub
Journal №7 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Study of Content of Chemical Elements in Cerebral Cortex of Laboratory Animals to the Understanding of Brain Mechanisms for Emotional Processes Realization
I.I. Cheremushnikova, E.S. Petrosienko, S.V. Notova
We began not long ago studying the problem of hemispheric cerebral emotional organization (both in russian and in foreign science) and the data represented in the scientific literature are not full enough and have some contradictions. The research was conducted on laboratory animals - male rats of Wistar branch, we divided the animals into two groups (40 animals in each) according to their behavior with predisposition to aggression. The research of behavioral characteristics in the process of studying of animals - aggressive behavior was divided into two phases. The first phase includes the study of behavioral peculiarities in the test «open field» (Airapetyanz M.G., Honicheva N.M., etc, 1980) ? in «sensor plug model» (Kudryavtseva N.N. and others, 1989). We analyzed the elemental structure of rats - cortex with the help of such methods as mass spectrometry, atomic emission spectrometry with inductive coupled argon plasm. We diagnosed in the course of our research that the animal with low aggression-s level had higher content of most chemical elements, almost all macroelements, definitely magnezium and natrium, and almost all toxic elements. Higher content of essential and semi-essential microelements in the cortex of low aggressive animals were definitely pointed out in matter of cobalt, copper, manganese, nickel, selenium and zinc. Aggressive animals were characterized by higher content of phosphor, arsenic, iron, definitely сhrome, lithium, silicium, vanadium and mercury. The comparison of identical animals - hemispheres revealed that the right hemispheres of aggressive animals are tend to lower content of almost all macroelements, and also arsenic, manganese, nickel, selenium, zinc, cobalt (р < 0,001), aluminium, lead, tin, cadmium (р < 0,01) on the back of relatively higher content of phosphor, chrome, copper, iron, lithium (р < 0,01), silicium, vanadium (р < 0,01), strontium and mercury (р < 0,01). It is notable that the difference in the content of chemical elements were marked symmetrically in the right and left hemispheres of the tested animals, excepting aluminium and tin. Higher content in the left hemispheres in the comparison with the group of unaggressive animals were noted on the back of lower content of aluminium and tin in the right hemispheres of aggressive animals.
Pages: 59-65
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