350 rub
Journal №7 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Hepatoprotective Properties of Centaurea Scabiosa
M.S. Larkina, E.V. Saprykina, E.A. Gereng, T.V. Kadyrova, E.V. Ermilova, R.A. Peshkina
Hepatoprotective activity of the 70 % ethanolic extract from the aerial part of Centaurea scabiosa in doses 100, 200 and 400 mg/kg on the model of acute toxic liver affection in rats (56 animals) by tetrachlormethane is studied. The therapeutic efficiency was evaluated by the influence of the extract on the biochemical and morphological indices of liver and blood serum. Centaurea scabiosa extract in doses 100 and 200 mg/kg reduced acute toxicity of tetrachlormethane, restored biliary excretion and cholepoiesis functions of the liver (alkaline phosphatase and bilirubin levels are normal) in rats with hepatitis. The reducing of density of inflammatory infiltration in liver parenchyma and total number of necrotizing hepatocytes, fatty and protein dystrophy with simultaneous inducing of hepatocytes regeneration capability is established by morphological investigation. Extract in dose 400 mg/kg has lower hepatoprotective activity. Experimental findings are evidence of intensive hepatoprotective activity of 70 % ethanolic extract from Centaurea scabiosa in doses 100 and 200 mg/kg.
Pages: 28-33
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