350 rub
Journal №7 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Enhancement of Bioavailability and Hepatoprotective Activity of Flavonoids Rutin, Silymarin and Quercetin by the Use of Polyethylene Glycol
T.V. Aleksandrova, E.A. Morina, N.D. Luzhnov, E.V. Lutsenko, N.B. Feldman, S.V. Lutsenko, V.A. Bikov
For the first time the injection forms of poorly soluble herbal flavonoids rutin, silymarin and quercetin were obtained. The hydrophilicity of flavonoids was reached by means of biologically inert non-toxic polymer polyethylene glycol 6000 (PEG 6000), that facilitates effectiveness of a number of therapeutic agents by means of their physical and chemical transformation. For this purpose an approach of injection of concentrated organic bioflavonoids solutions into PEG 6000 melt followed by freeze-drying for getting rid of the solvent was used. As a result of applying the proposed method the solubility of rutin, silymarin and quercetin included in complexes with PEG 6000 was 22,7, 8,6 and 7,1 times respectively more than their solubility in water. The in vivo research has shown that the preparations obtained demonstrated pronounced antihepatotoxic activity - promote the decrease of activity of hepatitis marker enzymes - ALT, AST, AP and the concentration of total bilirubin in blood serum of experimental animals with model acute toxic hepatitis, they also cause the enhancement of functional activity of hepatic cells, the reduction of dystrophic changes and fortification of reparation processes in liver. The rutin preparation showed the highest activity and the activity of silymarin preparation was higher than that of quercetin preparation.
Pages: 3-8
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