350 rub
Journal №5 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Activity of Beta Cells and Metabolic Abnormalities in Children with Diabetes Mellitus
N.P. Mikaelian, A.E. Gurina, A.A. Terentyev, V.V. Smirnov, L.L. Vakhrusheva
In 212 children and adolescents with DM 1 in age from 1 to 18 years studying the state of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, insulinosecretion, insulinbinding activity of cells at an initial diabetes and disease duration of 1 year. All children received insulin, most of them were labile course of the disease. The findings suggest that severe disturbance of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. There were severe hyperglycemia (p <0,05) regardless of the duration of the DM, a sharp increase in the concentration of lactate and pyruvate, AAR shift towards metabolic acidosis. Reveals a sharp high cholesterol and very high level of hemoglobin Hb AC1 to 14.2  16.13 %, indicating that prolonged hyperglycemia. The progressive reduction of the residual insulinosecretion and insulinbinding activity of lymphocytes against the background of metabolic disorders is a risk factor for severe disease course with the rapid development of diabetic complications. Firm disorders of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, high levels of hemoglobin HbAC1, lactacidemia and shift AAR acid side indicate the presence of chronic hypoxia and metabolic acidosis. To prevent deterioration of the patient with progression of severity of disease should take into account metabolic disturbances, the presence of residual insulinsecretion patient and to prevent an overdose of therapeutic doses of the hormone.
Pages: 42-46
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