350 rub
Journal №5 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Peculiarity Preparate Wash Extract of Species «Cardiophytum»
S.R. Kchasanova, N.V. Kudashkina, A.P. Potanina
Bashkir state medical university carries out research of vegetable species «Cardiophytum» of medical treatment patient cardiac disease. Vegetable species of «Cardiophytum» are researched on methods of Prof. Plekhanova. The species plants in composition of «Cardiophytum» can be used on territory of Russia and are not toxic. Wash extract of vegetable species of «Cardiophytum» consists of the following substances: flavonoids, saponins, kumarins, sugar, oak substance, and acid ascorbinum. Vegetable species of «Cardiophytum» are compared and analyzed. Dry remainders of oak substance and acid ascorbinum are used as the test group because methods of their definition are Farmacopea-based and easily reproduced. A rational wash extract of vegetable species of «Cardiophytm» is infusum prepared in proportion 1:10.
Pages: 6-8
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