350 rub
Journal №4 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Protektorny effect regylatory peptide Arg-Pro-Gly on function anticoagulant and insular systems of an organism against a proof hyperglycemia
L.A. Lyapina, L.A. Andreeva, T.A. Shubina, A.M. Uljanov, M.E. Grigorieva, T.J. Obergan, V.E. Pastorova, N.F. Myasoedov
It is established that 7 multiple intranasal introduction to rats of peptide Arg-Pro-Gly in a dose of weight of a body of 1 mg/kg against the proof hyperglycemia similar to development of a diabetes of 2nd type at the person, prevents development of a diabetes and renders normoglycemic,anticoagulant, fibrinolytic and antiplatelet action. Through 7 days after cancellation of introduction of a peptide in blood plasma the raised background fibrinolytic and antiplatelet activity was marked. Unitary application of peptide Arg-Pro-Gly against unitary receipt a glucose through 14 days after cancellation of introduction of a peptide to rats didn't cause increase of sugar and coagulability of blood unlike the control animals receiving instead of a peptide a physiological solution together with glucose. Peptide Arg-Pro-Gly protected an organism of animals from a hyperglycemia and the raised coagulability of blood at development of a proof hyperglycemia.
Pages: 5-10
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