350 rub
Journal №3 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Studies of Bile-secretory Effect Menta Longifolia of Decoction and Alcohol Extracts
T.M. Sidakova, L.A. Sadgaj, E.O. Sergeeva, O.I. Popova
Diseases of the hepatoprotective systems occupy an important place in the structure of morbidity with a trend towards further spread. In this context, improving the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases of liver and bile path is a very important issue. In the treatment of diseases of liver and bile path has long been used herbal drugs. In folk medicine, Mentha longifolia has long been used to treat liver diseases, which is the rationale for the relevance of the study. The object of our study is Mentha longifolia (L.). This kind of mint enjoys the increased attention of researchers due to the presence of valuable medicinal properties (sufficient raw mass, large areas of vegetation). Studying of influence of broth and spirit extraction of a grass of Mentha longifolia L. on bile secretion at rats. Material for research - the air-dry crushed grass of Mentha longifolia, prepared in 2008, in Kurtatinsky gorge of Alagirsky area RSO - Alanija in mass flowering. Evaluation of liver bile-secretory function has been carried out according to M.D. Litvinchuk and Z.I. Novosiletz method. Menta Longifolia decoction and alcohol extracts have been found experimentally on rats to influence the animal dile - secretory activity. Experimentally, we found that the broth and herbs alcohol extraction Mentha longifolia belong to the class of hazard - low-hazard substances with LD50 for alcohol extract - 20 ml / kg, and for water extraction - more than 100 ml / kg.
Pages: 30-32
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