350 rub
Journal №2 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Molecular biological markers expression in bone osteosarcomas
I.V. Boulytcheva, Yu.N. Soloviev, N.E. Kushlinskii, I.V. Kazachok, A.N. Mahson
Immunohistochemical evaluation of p53, VEGF, Flt-1/VEGFR1 Ab-1, EGFR, Her-2/neu, Bax, Cox-2 in primary bone sarcomas was performed on 40 patients ages 16 -70. Positive expression of p53 was observed in 27,5 % of the tumors, VEGF - in 15 %, Flt-1/VEGFR1 Ab-1 - in 97,5 %, Her-2/neu - in 32,5 %, Bax - in 77,8 %, Cox-2 - in 32,3 %. The expression of Her-2/neu (p=0,004), p53 (p=0,01) and Cox-2 in osteosarcomas was associated with poor prognosis of overall survival, Her-2/neu (p=0,02) and Cox-2 (p=0,003) expression correlated with disease-free survival. We propose that Her-2 neu, p53 and Cox-2 expression should be considered as a possible prognostic factor in the treatment of primary bone sarcomas.
Pages: 55-62
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