350 rub
Journal №2 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
The New Transfection Agent (Modified Chitosan) for Effective Gene Transfer into Transformed Human Blood Cell Lines
A. Borisenko, G. Krivtsov, R. Zhdanov
A number of scientific publications devoted on the viral replication inhibition by complementary addressed polynucleotides (antisense RNA and DNA, ribozymes, etc.) has clearly showed that these problem stilled the one of preferred approaches to the viral infections gene therapy. To inhibiting the replication of different viruses (Ad5, BLV, FeLV etc.), early we and another authors reported about successful trying about it, but there is unclear way to deliver the «bombs to targets». For these goals, we have been designed the new type of a vehicle for artificial genes based on the chitosan, which was chemically reached 2nd and 3rd aminogroups (mCHIT). To investigating the transfected activity of our mCHIT vector, we used simple plasmids (with a -galactozidase and secreted alkaline phosphotase reporter genes) and standard transfection protocols for DNA polyaminic carriers. The poly ethylenimine (PEI) was a positive control for chitosan transfection procedure. The obtained results has testified that both PEI transfected agents, as mCHIT can effectively transfected primary and transformed adherent cell lines up to 100%. However, the transfecting level of the mCHIT for suspension blood cell lines (like U937 and Jurcet) was more higher than PEI. Thees date convincialy shows the probability of antiviral gene delivery by these agents.
Pages: 47-51
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