350 rub
Journal №2 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Hair elemental content in depressed patients
A.D. Fesyun, A.V. Skalny, E.V. Lakarova, B. Momchilovich
In this study, a comparative analysis of chemical elements content in hair of healthy volunteers and persons suffering from major clinical depression (MCD) was carried out. The work was done as double-blind clinical-epidemiological study. Totally 232 persons were subjected to the investigation. In 101 of them (69 women, 32 men) the MCD syndrome was diagnosed, other 131 (80 women, 51 men) was practicaly healthy and considered as the control group. Determination of chemical elements in hair was carried out by ICP-OES/ICP-MS method in test laboratory of ANO "Centre for Biotic Medicine" (Moscow, Russia). It was shown that these groups differ in content of a number of elements. Thus, the study revealed that women suffering from depression, comparing to the control, demonstrate a significant increase in hair content of sodium and rubidium (p <0,05), while the content of cobalt, copper, mercury, magnesium, and nickel were significantly lower (p <0,05 ) in them than in healthy women. The results obtained in the study of male group also showed a significant difference between mineral status of men suffering from MCD and that of healthy volunteers. Thus, there was detected a significant (p <0,01) increase in the hair content of potassium, sodium, boron and rubidium among depressed patients. The content of magnesium, selenium, mercury and strontium was significantly (p <0,01) reduced. In conclusion, it may be noted that all examined persons with MCD were characterized by a significant dysregulation of mineral metabolism, and it is expressed predominantly in enhanced metabolism and elimination of many macro and trace elements on the background of a marked shortage of magnesium, cobalt, copper and selenium.
Pages: 36-41
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