350 rub
Journal №2 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
The degree of release of silymarin in the in vitro experiment from various substances of Silybum marianum fruits
Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn.
dry extract
V.A. Bykov, V.A. Kurkin, V.M. Ryzhov, P.G. Mizina, E.V. Avdeeva
Milk thistle - Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn. is a known and widely studied plant. On the basis of the highly purified dry extract of fruits in the pharmaceutical market of the Russian Federation various preparations were presented: the extract of fruits, Silymar, Legalon, Carsil, Silybor, the component composition of which are the total flavolignans: silybin, silydianin and silychristin (silymarin). The purpose of the our work was comparative study features of liberation of the total flavolignans from substances of fruits of Silybum marianum. In the experiment as the liquids, which imitate the biological media of organism, were used the solution of hydrochloric acid with the value pH 4,5, phosphate buffer (pH 7,5). As the control medium used water purified (pH 7,0). With the using of the equilibrium method of the dialysis and spectrophotometry (analytical wave-length at 289 nm) there was shown, that the diffusion of flavolignans from the substances of the milk thistle fruits increases both in the acid and in the alkaline medium in comparison with the neutral medium. The concentration of flavolignans in the dialysis liquid of the native extract of the milk thistle of fruits is significantly higher than from the substances of «Carsil», «Silimar». The greatest output of flavolignans (99,81%) from the native extract of the milk thistle fruits occurs in the alkaline medium.
The received results have shown, that the creation of the hepatoprotective preparations on the basis of native extract of Silybum marianum fruits with greater bioavailability is rational.
Pages: 15-18
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