350 rub
Journal №12 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Analysis of Proliferative Activity and Apoptosis Hyperplastic Processes of the Cervix
V.K. Bozhenko, L.A. Ashrafyan, N.V. Melnikova, O.N. Burmenskaya, D.Yu. Trofimov, E.A. Kudinova, L.X. Khunova, O.P. Bliznyukov
We have quantified by RT-PCR the expression rate of BCL-2, as gene that possess antiapoptotyc activity, and Ki-67 as known proliferation marker, in normal endometrium, and in CIN and squamous cell cervical carcinoma cases. 60 women have been included in studied group: 16 with morphologically proved cervical cancer, 40 with different degree of CIN (cervical intraepithelial neoplasia) and 6 women with normal endometrium that formed the control group. Analysis of BCL-2 mRNA expression showed progradiate decrease from normal epithelium to CIN and CC, where the lowest rate of expression was detected, but in a case of HPV associated CC BCL2 expression increased. On the other hand the opposite results have been received during Ki-67 expression analysis: mRNA expression rate increased along with degree of CIN achieving maximum in cancer cells. These results were correlated with HPV infection in a case of CIN, but in squamous cell carcinoma HPV associated cells has lower proliferative activity. Pathological endometrial proliferation is associated with stimulation of cell proliferative activity (increasing of Ki-67 expression) with simultaneous apoptosis activation (BCL-2 decreasing). This valid for free and HPV infected cells in a case of CIN. But inverse vector of BCL-2 and Ki-67 expression in a case of HPV associated squamous cell carcinoma cells may be explained by modification of virus activity.
Pages: 54-59
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