350 rub
Journal №11 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Agafonova O.A., Beichebaeva Ch.R. Investigation of Adaptive and Antioxidant Property of Transfer-Factor Edvensd
V.A. Dadali, R.N. Pavlova, N.E. Golovanova, M.N. Smertina, V.A. Kuleba, O.A. Agafonova, Ch.R. Beichebaeva
Transfer factors are peptides involved in the regulation of the immune system. They have been successfully used to cure and prevent various diseases for many years. The purpose of this study was to examine the adaptogenic properties of the transfer factor and primarily it's antioxidant and membrane stabilizing activity with specific reference to the Transfer Factor Edvensd in the «in vivo» experiment. Experiments were conducted on male rats of Wistar line weighting 200-250 g. The object of study were the erythrocytes and the blood plasma of the animals. Transfer factor actoprotector efficacy was evaluated by means of the forced swimming test. The following biochemical parameter values were determined: superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione-S-transferase, glutathione peroxidase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity, the content and the ratio of total, protein and non-protein SH/SS groups and the so-called thiol-disulfide ratio, the resistance of red blood cell biomembrane,  in the erythrocytes; lipid peroxidation parameters activity based on the level of TBA-reactive products,  in blood plasma. Study results were subjected to statistical analysis performed by the Statistika v. 6.0 program. The following parameters were calculated: arithmetic mean, arithmetic mean error, the boundaries of a confidence interval values, confidence coefficient for value comparison in the groups. The obtained results indicate that transfer factor possesses actoprotector properties that are not inferior to those of Eleutherococcus demonstrated at the corresponding concentrations and duration of admission. The group of animals treated with transfer factor, while keeping a low superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase activity, has indicated a catalase activity level high enough to neutralize the H2O2. A decrease in lipid peroxidation intensity and SS-groups level occurs as a result, which leads to a higher value of the thiol-disulfide coefficient. The group of animals treated with Eleutherococcus hasn't indicated any of these changes. Moreover, the cell treated with transfer factor has indicated a higher reduction potential level than the one treated with Eleuterococcus. Transfer factor as well as the reference substance has no effect on the resistance of erythrocyte membranes. The assay used to measure changes in the glutathione transferase activity, which neutralizes electrophilic compounds, has shown that glutathione transferase activity level was higher within the group treated with transfer factor when compared to the group treated with Eleuterococcus. Thus, transfer factor as a multicomponent peptide mixture, has a broad-spectrum effect, perfoming the functions of both an endogenous immunomodulator and an endogenous adaptogen and antioxidant. In practical terms, the ability of the transfer factor to improve physical performance and endurance, as well as a manifestation on it's antioxidant properties in combination with it's main immunomodulatory effect opens up future prospects for it's use in sports.
Pages: 64-71
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