350 rub
Journal №11 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Synthesis, Properties and Anti-Inflammatory, Analgesic Activity and Toxicity of Amides of N-Allylocsamoil-5-Brom(H) of Antranylic Acid
E.R. Kurbatov, A.B. Shakirova, L.M. Korkodinova, T.A. Chupina, L.G. Mardanova, L.N. Markova, B. Ya. Suropyatov, M.I. Vahrin
With the aim of obtaining the new compounds with low toxicity and possessing anti-inflammatory and analgesic activity the group of amides of N-allylocsamoil-5-brom(H) of antranylic acid was synthesized. Amides of N-allylocsamoil-5-brom(H) antranylic acid was obtained by interaction of allylamid6-brom(H)-3,1-benzoksazin-4-on-2-carbonic acid with various amides in medium of ethanol 95% at temperature 18-20 0C during 30 minutes. Structure was confirmed by NMR 1H- and IR spectroscopy. The anti-inflammatory activity on carragenin adema, analgesic activity on «hot plate», acute toxicity were investigated. Among the received amides of N-allylocsamoil-5-brom(H) antranylic acid six compounds possessed anti-inflammatory effect at the level or higher the level of compounds compared. The activity of three substances exceed the activity of comparing compounds. As the comparing compounds were used mefenamic acid and their sodium sald. The result of this investigation showed that compounds of this series possess analgesic, anti-inflammatory activities and low toxicity according the classification of Sidorov K.K. Perceptiveness of search of compounds with anti-inflammatory and analgesic activites in the group of amides of N-allylocsamoil-5-brom(H) of antranylic acid was stated.
Pages: 60-64
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