350 rub
Journal №11 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Application of α-Lipoic Acid for Prevention of Oxidative Stress under Physical Exercises
A.A. Vishnevskii, G.A. Jantaeva, C.O. Japaralieva
For preventing of oxidative stress, that take place under intensive physical exercises, it was used α-lipoic acid (α-LA). This compound have wide set of capacities for biochemical and physiological effects. Antioxidant meaning this endogenic physiological active substance (PAS) before last time underestimated. Like main marker of structural changes of cell membranes it was chosen the lysoforms of phospholipids (lyso-PL). It is consider, that increasing content of lyso-PL invoke changes in molecular structure of biological membranes. Therefore, the level of lyso-PL in membranes it is indicator of intensive of structural changes of bilayer under extreme conditions. Besides lyso-PL, for direct estimation of oxidative status of organism, it was determined the content of first products of lipid peroxidation in tissues of organism. About influence of used PAS on functional conditions of animals investigators judged by the indicators of behavior of rats in test «open field». Correction as a method of studies supposed using of α-LA, synthetic antioxidant mildronatum and antihypoxant with antioxidant properties vinpocetine. Last two regulators is used for the aim of comparison. The aim of this investigation is estimation of condition of oxidative homeostasis, indicators of endurance and behavior of rats under physical exercises, at correction by α-LA and others PAS. The specifications of correctional influences of used bioregulators were showed. Intensive physical exercises lead to accumulation of first products of lipid peroxidation and lysoforms of membranous phospholipids in tissues of rats. Previous injection of antioxidants and vinpocetine invoked decreasing the level of first products of lipid peroxidation. At that time, α-LA and mildronatum more effective in meaning returning of first products of lipid peroxidation to norm, which was statistical reliable. Second, but not less important action of using α-LA was lyso-PL-limited effect of this bioregulator. Five-times injections of α-lipoic acid lead to significant increasing of indicator of work capacity of experimental animals and promote decreasing of level first products of lipid peroxidation and lysoforms of membranous phospholipids. α-Lipoic acid exceed the mildronatum and vinpocetine by the velocity of development of correctional effect in relation of destruction of oxidizing homeostasis and deviations in indicators of behavior rats, which passed 3 days course of intensive physical exercises. Applied meaning of this investigation may be realize at choice of antioxidants and membrane-protective drugs, for identification of maximal effective correlation of «dose-response», in dependence of physiological reactivity and duration of after-action of PAS.
Pages: 55-60
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