350 rub
Journal №11 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Studying the Conditions of Screening Revealing of Azotized Compounds of Basic Character by the Method of Electrophoresis on Paper
A.N. Fomin, A.V. Smirnova, M.B. Semyonov, V.B. Kryuchkov, Yu.A. Merzlyakova
For the analysis of an unknown poison in a biological material, screening programs based on the method of the thin layer chromatography (TLC) of a sorbent are widely being used. One of the effective and close to TLC planar methods of purifying biological material and sequential revealing extractions on the electrophoregram is the electrophoresis on paper, which does not require scarce and expensive solvents. Electrophoresis-screening is studied on different azotized compounds of basic character (ACBC) by the method of electrophoresis on paper. Conditions of electrophoresis investigations of ACBC on the first stage of the electrophoresis-screening (the group detection) are the device VEPA-1 (400 V, 1 hour), paper «C», Dragendorf reagent as the detector. It is shown that on the stage of group detection, the most reproducible observed values of migration (DFTcm) for investigated compounds are obtained at using the 5 % solution of acetic acid. At the second stage of the electrophoresis-screening, the technique of intragroup identification of ACBC with using electrophoresis spectra is obtained. The same device ПВЭФ (400 V, 1 hour) was used with the Britton-Robertson electrolyte (pH 2.3...8.0). It is found that authenticity of investigated compounds identification is increased essentially with using their quantitative characteristics (DFTmax, DFTmin, Pi). Electrophoresis-screening of ACBC does not require systems of scarce and expensive solvents. Sensitivity of screening detection of investigated compounds by the method of electrophoresis on paper is in the limits of 0.5-3.0 μg of a substance in the electrophoregram probe.
Pages: 32-39
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