350 rub
Journal №11 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Sorts with the Rate of the planting materials
A.I. Morozov
There were studied the sowing rate of six sorts of Mentha piperita L. rhizomes planted in Moscow region. The studied sorts were divided de bene esse in three groups small-root (3-4 mm) (Moskvichka, Kubanskaya 6), medium root (5-6 mm) (Medichka, Lekarstvennaya 4) and thick-root populations ? (7-8 mm) (Yantarnaya, Zgadka). The latter may be distinguished with different growing energy: Early and tense shoots were found among populations Medichki, Yantarnaya and Moskvichka, which passed ahead other sorts on 3-6 days. There was shown a reaction of the sorts studied on the sowing rate of the rhizomes during the first year of vegetation, while on sowing rate 1 ton/ga a number of shoots was from 33.7 to 41.6 pieces/m2, and leafing degree was from 56.2 to 64.7 %. A density of the grass was increased with increase of the sowing rate up to the maximum 2 ton/ga in the variant (43.3-55.3 pieces/m2) and a tendency of diminishing a ratio of leaves / stems was shown to be from 53.3 to 61.2 %. A crop capacity was found to be dependent on the sorts, the sowing rate and the weather condition. It quality was determined in the maximal extent on genetic peculiarities of sorts and in the lesser extent on the sowing rate of the rhizomes. The optimal rate for Kubanskaya and Moskovskaya sorts was 1 ton/ga, for Medichki 2 tons/ga, Lekarstvennaya 4, Yantarnaya and Zgadki - 1/5 tons/ga, while during the first year of vegetation a crop capacity of the dry leaves was 15.4-19.8 metric center/ga, the yield of essential oil was 38.8-61.6 kg/ga. On the second year of vegetation there was not found a marked difference in the sowing rate of the planting material. On the seminal plot there should be used diminished rate (1 ton/ga) for the sort reproduction.
Pages: 23-28
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