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Journal №11 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Qualitative Composition and Quantitative Content of Amino Acids in Dry Biomass of Cell Culture Thalictrum Minus
cell culture Thalictrum minus L.
biotechnological material
alkaloid berberin
amino acids
Yu.M. Tertichnaya, T.A. Savina, P.G. Mizina, V.A. Bykov
The biogenetical predecessors of many alkaloids are amino acids. For characteristics of metabolic process in a plant cell its amino acids composition is very important. Today more than 300 species of biologically active substances including amino acids and products of their metabolism are identified. However in literature there is no information about amino acid composition of cell culture Thalictrum minus, which is used as biotechnological raw material in production of isoquinoline alkaloid berberine.
For the first time we investigated the amino acid composition of suspension culture Thalictrum minus, strain Tm-2-05 Scientific - Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants RASHN, which was grown on nutrient solution after the formulation of Murasige and Skuga in laboratory-industrial fermentors with mechanical mixing of Brunswick Company (USA) with 10 liters volume and in fermentors of airlifting type of LH-4000 mark (USA) with 80 liters volume.
As a method of investigation the highly effective liquid chromatography (HELC) was chosen. The investigation was done with assistance of a liquid chromatograph Agilent 1100 (USA) which was equipped with spectrophotometrical detector on diode matrix (SDDM) and fluorometric detector.
The amino acids were found on the absorption in UF area of the spectrum with the length of the wave λ=338 nm (ref. λ=390 nm). On fluorescence: if λex = 340 nm and λem = 450 nm. With assistance of HELC it was investigated that in dry biomass of Thalictrum minus cells, strain Tm-2-05 Scientific - Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants RASHN, there is contained 17 amino acids. The portion of essential amino acids is 51,53 %. The portion of biogenetical predecessors of berberine (phenylalanine, tyrosine and its derivatives) is 5,05 %
Pages: 11-14
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