350 rub
Journal №10 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
The Role of Carnosin at Muscles Pathology
L.P. Grinio
The school of Academician Sergei Severin revealed multiplicity of functions of carnosin for skeletal muscles. We tryed to determine the connection between carnosine and the pathogenesis of myodystrophic process in human beings. We choose for analysis two hereditary diseases of muscles in childhood, which are the most widespread and the most gravity: myodystrophy Duchenne (DM) and spinal muscular atrophy(SMA). As control group we choose late poliomyelitis and childish cerebral paralysis. Fisrt of all we investigated human normal muscles and revealed that content of carnosin increased from 30-40mg % to 120-140 mg% to 14 years of life and determinated age standart/ The stydudying of the pathologic muscles showed decrease of carnosin especially in hereditary diseases. These facts permit to suppose that carnosin take a part in the pathogenesis of myodystrophic process. Thats why we began the treatment with carnosin. For treatment we used 5 % solution of carnosin intramuscular and intranosal for the little children, and per so capsules containing 150 and 250 mg of carnosin. Only 55 chidren were treated with individual course during 2 years. The results of the treatment had clinic, biochemical and morphological monitoring. Positive effect of the treatment was marked for some forms of myopathy. There no side effects.
Pages: 62-68
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