350 rub
Journal №10 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Prediction of Antiproliferative properties of Dioxaboreninopyridine and Aniline Derivatives as Evaluation of its Influence on Rate of Oxidative Deamination of Putrescine and Polyamines
S.P. Syatkin, K.V. Neborak, T.V. Fedoronchuk, N.A. Shevkun, A.N. Levov, R.I. Sokuev, N.A. Sokueva, T.T. Berezov
Substances inhibiting an oxidative deamination of polyamines are likely to display the carcinogenic properties. In contrast the chemical compounds which activate the process of oxidative disintegration of putrescine and polyamines may have an antitumoural potential. We studied the effect of 11 aniline и 9 dioxaboreninopyridine derivatives on diaminoxidase and polyaminoxidase activity in a cell-free model testing system of the rat regenerating liver tissue. This tissue is characterized by its elevated mitotic index and controlled proliferation. The antiproliferative properties have been obtained with aniline derivatives, the substances which activated the process of oxidative deamination of putrescine and polyamines. This process has been inhibited by dioxaboreninopyridine derivatives. They have shown rather cancerogenic properties. Compounds that have substantially activated the process of oxidative deamination of putrescine and polyamines may already be considered at this stage of investigation as perspective antitumoural agents. This work was supported by Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation/Federal Education Agency of Russian Federation (grant 2.1.1/5939).
Pages: 53-57
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