350 rub
Journal №1 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Determination of l-arginine and l-proline concentration in amniotic fluid
E.V. Narezhnaya, O.I. Askalepova, I.I. Krukier, T.N. Pogorelova, A.A. Nikashina
The conditions for the identification and determination of L-arginine and L-proline by capillary zone electrophoresis without their preliminary derivatization have been optimized. The effect of buffer electrolyte pH, injection time, potential and temperature on determination of L-arginine and L-Proline have been investigated. The quantities of L-arginine and L-Proline were determined in amniotic fluid. The duration of analysis doesn-t exceed 15 minutes.
Pages: 48-51
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