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Journal №1 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
To the question on influence of β-cyclodextrin complex compounds with paraaminobenzoic acid on the bioelectric activities of cerebral hemispheres cortex, capacity for work and instrumental behaviour in the experiment
T.A. Batalova, V.A. Dorovskich, G.I. Kurochkina, M.K. Grachev, A.A. Charaev, M.L. Plastinin, A.A. Sergievich
-Cyclodextrin and some it derivatives, due to their unique ability for the incapsulation of various drugs, found a wide use in physiology and pharmacology. In the presented investigation the clathrate and conjugate of -cyclodextrin with paraaminobenzoic acid (PABA) were used. It is known an ability of paraaminobenzoic acid for the stimulation of physical endurance due to positive influence at the central nervous system. To proof that physiological activity is due to conjugation or inclusion of PABA in an experiment there were also used compounds which are precursors in organic synthesis. Mexidol, possessing a wide set of pharmacological activity, was taken as a standard. The investigations performed at the rats showed the positive influence of cyclodextrin clathrate and conjugate at the time of immobility in the Porsolt-s test with the reliable difference with standard. Analysis of the behaviour parameters in the modulus device pays attention at the worst indexes of emotion-anxious factor of cognitive sphere ot the animals with leading positions in the Porsolt-s test. During the registration of the bioelectric activities of cerebral hemispheres cortex the positive results were obtained for the animals which showed the worst values of cognitive component. This fact may be explained by the disconnection of integrative, cognitive mechanisms of the central nervous system and anxious state, and by the ability of chemical means to block the influence of the anxious level of laboratory animals at the processes of their training. The obtained results allow us to make a conclusion that compounds studied by us possess neurotropic activity and create the preconditions for the more profound investigation of biological activity of these and similar compounds.
Pages: 42-48
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