350 rub
Journal №1 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
The effect of Ceruloplasmin and Deltaran on the intensity of oxidation processes in the rat brain in ischemia
T.F. Sergeeva, E.I. Yerlykina, E.I. Kuzmina
The effect of Ceruloplasmin and Deltaran on the intensity of oxidation processes in the rat brain in an experimental disturbance of the cerebral blood flow has been studied. After ischemia the mitochondria and mitochondrial membranes of the rat brain have been incubated with the investigated drugs for 18 hours. Then the activity of free-radical reactions has been estimated with the method of induced chemiluminescence. Acute cerebral ischemia has been revealed to lead to the disbalance in the system of antioxidants - prooxidants of the nerve tissue. It is accompanied with the destabilization of the mitochondrial membrane, decreasing the membrane-associated mitochondrial creatine kinase activity and increasing the dimer percentage of this enzyme. Both Ceruloplasmin and Deltaran decrease the intensity of the free-radical oxidation in the rat brain in acute cerebral ischemia. Ceruloplasmin activates the antioxidant system of the nerve cell. Deltaran directly stabilizes the mitochondrial membrane.
Pages: 37-42
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