350 rub
Journal №1 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Inhibition of rats testes function at excessive physical activity: molecular processes, correction
E.A. Chigrinskiy, V.D. Conway, B.A. Race
The purpose of this work was to reveal molecular mechanisms of testis dysfunction under heavy exercise stress and the possibility of correcting it with ribose introduction.
Biochemical analysis of blood and testis of 30 male rats with 240±20 g mass. They were subjected by intensive physical activity with ribose use and without it. Carbohydrate was being put into them before and after excessive physical activity during 5 days. The dose was 50 mg/kg of their body mass. Concentration of glucose, lactate, β-oxybutyrate and uric acids, total and free testosterone level of malondialdehyde were defined in the male rat-s blood. Level of uric acids, glutathione and malondialdehyde, activity of glutathione peroxidase, glutathione reductase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase were defined in the male rats testis.
It is established that under excessive physical activity rats suffer from increasing intensity of anaerobic glycolysis and carbohydrates deficiency, which leads to lacto- and ketoacidosis development. The latter accentuate acute metabolic imbalance of purines in testis. This is exhibited by growth of uric acid and malondialdehyde level in blood and testis with glutathione reduction and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity.
Ribose introduction into the excessive physical activity rats makes it possible to improve reutilization of purine mononucleotides, intensify the work of pentose cycle, to reduce intensity of lipid peroxidation of testis membrane structure, and their endocrinal function is preserved.
Pages: 22-28
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