350 rub
Journal №9 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Phlogenzym: correction of ischemic illness hearts and possible mechanisms of action
E.S. Antonova, S.N. Bobkova, M.M. Rasulov, O.A. Belikova, M.K. Nurbekov
Influence of a preparation system enzyme therapy - phlogenzym - on hemostasis indicators, hemorheology properties of blood, a clinical current of disease is studied at its inclusion in structure of complex therapy of a stenocardia of pressure of II functional class. 27 patients are surveyed. It is established, that phlogenzym authentically improves rheology properties of blood at the expense of reduction aggregation abilities erythrocytes and thrombolytic, reduction of viscosity of blood of increase in deformability erythrocyts membranes, optimises activity fibrinolytic and blood curtailing systems, improves a clinical current of a stenocardia and quality of a life of patients which is expressed in reduction of limitation of physical activity, reduction of perception of weight of illness. Under the influence of a preparation the quantity of the general cholesterol, lipoproteins very low density and triglycerides authentically decreases, activity sour lipase of thrombocyts increases. Phlogenzym leads to authentic reduction of quantity angina attacks, to reduction of consumed nitroglycerine, promotes tolerance increase to physical activity in the tredmil-test. Application phlogenzym as a part of complex therapy sick of a stenocardia of pressure of II functional class is clinically justified, effectively and safely.
Pages: 40-44
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