350 rub
Journal №8 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Hemorheologic effects of polyphenols from far east plant maackia amurensis in ovariectomized rats
А.М. Plotnikova, Z.T. Shulgau, T.M. Plotnikova, O.I. Aliev, N.I. Kulesh, N.P. Mischenko, S.A. Fedoreyev
The effect of Maackia amurensis extract (EMA) on plasma estradiol and rheological properties of blood in female Wistar rats after ovariectomy was investigated. We measured the hematocrit, fibrinogen concentration, erythrocytes aggregation, erythrocytes deformability and whole blood viscosity after bilateral ovariectomy in rats. The content of polyphenols in EMA according to HPLC was 21.6% (isoflavonoids - 12.7% and stilbenes - 8.9%). The high maintenance of isoflavonoid-phytoestrogen in EMA was the basis for studying its effects in hypoestrogenic conditions. Ovariectomy in rats induced the decrease of estrogen level to 60% in comparison with a level in sham-operated animals. The whole blood viscosity in ovariectomized rats was increased by 7-18% as a result of evaluation of hematocrit by 7%, as well as impairment of erythrocyte deformability and increase of their aggregation. Efficacy of O2-transport to tissues was decreased by 7%. Two weeks after surgery, the course treatment with extract of Maackia amurensis (oral administration 200 mg/kg/day during 14 days) in ovariectomized rats reduced the blood viscosity by 4-13% and increased the coefficient of O2-transport to tissues by 3-9%, but did not restore the estrogen level. The reason of EMA hemorheological effects was improvement of microrheological parameters: erythrocyte aggregation decrease and their deformability increase without the modification of macrorheological parameters (hematocrit and plasma viscosity). The present findings suggest that EMA could be used as a therapeutic agent for menopausal vascular complication.
Pages: 45-49
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