350 rub
Journal №7 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Identification of articaine and bupivacaine with a metod of capillary electrophoresis
A.N. Fomin, A.V. Shpak, Y.A. Dzhurko, A.V. Smirnova
The conditions of electrophoresis of articaine and bupivacaine were studied with the help of the national system for capillary electrophoresis (CE) «Capel-105». Potential identification of articaine and bupivacaine on the basis of electrophoresis spectrum was registered. On the basis of electrophoresis spectrum the ionic state of anesthetics, depending on the acidity of the medium, and their quantitative indexes (such as pKa, pH and Pi) were calculated. Electrophoresis identification of articaine and bupivacaine can be widely applied for chemical - toxicological examinations.
Pages: 68-73
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