350 rub
Journal №7 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Liver glutamic cycle after resection
P.N. Savilov
In experiments on 243 white rats, a state of the glutamic cycle in a liver after 15 - 20 % resection of the organ mass was exploved. It is known that the resection of a liver upsets the work of the glutamic cycle that is revealed as the glutamine deamidation activation in a liver on the background of the glutamine formation decrease by hepatocytes. It results not only in development of the deficit of the glutamine in hepatocytes, but also in reduction of the glutamin-excretory function of a liver. Simultaneously it descends the accumulation in an operated liver of the ammonia and its fissile entering from it into blood with a development of an arterial hyperammoniemia. The compensator activation of an «extrahepatic» mechanisms invoking shaping of an arterial and portal hyperglutaminemia does not prevent the glutamine weakening both in a liver, and in a blood flowing off from it. Infringement of the ammonia detoxication and in the operated liver is not eliminated.
Pages: 53-59
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