350 rub
Journal №7 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Antioxidant therapy of an experimental rheumatoid arthritis
S. V. Belova
Therapy of the rheumatoid arthritis still remains one of the basic problems of rheumatology. One of the mechanizms of the progressing process of the rheumatoid arthritis is a peroxide-antioxidant imbalance, which is attended by the intensification of lipid peroxidation processes and inefficiency of the antioxidant protection system. Similar phenomena take place in animals as well with experimental arthritis. In the arsenal of drugs there are antioxidant action preparations, in particular, the preparation «ceruloplasmin», neutralizing free oxygen radicals and inhibiting lipid peroxidation processes, used intravenously. The research objective was the study of intraarticular influence of the antioxidant preparation «ceruloplasmin» on the condition of synovial systems of affected joints in rabbits with experimental arthritis. Our research results have indicated that course consisting of 5 weekly intraarticular injections in the doze 1,5 mg / kg of a body weight improved clinical finding of the disease and the laboratory examination results. We have got in treated animals statistically significant positive change of peroxide-antioxidant imbalance indices and proteoglycan metabolism, both in synovial system of the affected joint, and blood serum. Thus, intra-articular introduction of the antioxidant preparation «ceruloplasmin» allows us to stop experimental rheumatoid arthritis clinical presentations, to improve the condition of articular structures of affected knee joints in rabbits, and to carry out the antioxidant system inefficiency correction.
Pages: 30-35
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