350 rub
Journal №12 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Hipoglycemic action vegetable polyextract
E.A. Krasnov, T.V. Yakimova, S.N. Udintsev, I.S. Ivanov, M.G. Vinokurova
It was estimated in experiments on rats that hypoglycemic effect of polyextract from nettles, burdock and dandelion under experimental sugar diabetes exceeds the activity of arfazetin. The extracts of such components as burdock and dandelion increase the firmness of carbohydrate load of intact animals as opposed to the nettle extract, which reduces the tolerance to sugar load like a preparation comparison. When rats have epinephrine hyperglycemia and alloxan diabetes, the extracts of all the researched plants reduce the glucose content in the animals blood. During the injections of water polyextract, the animals were given dozes of vanadium, compared with the effective sugar decrease dozes of vanadium compounds when the rats have streptozotocin diabetes. The one of the mechanism of action is expected to be connected with the high contents of microelements vanadium, chromium, as well as polyfructant inulin in a plants, used for polyextract preparation.
Pages: 34-39
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