350 rub
Journal №12 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Efficiency and quality of st.-john's-wort grass made a hole at not root feeds nitrogen and cobalt connections
V.B. Zagumennikov, E.Y. Babayeva, V.F. Volobuyeva
The researches were held in 2004...06 years on the passing plantation of St.-John's-wort of 2nd-4th years of vegetation in experimental medicinal pant crop rotation in laboratory of agrotechnology and agrochemistry of All-Russia Institute for Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (VILAR) on sod-podzol and heavy-loamy soil. Influence of unrooted additional fertilizing 2 % by solution CO(NH2)2 and 0,05 - 0,1 % solutions CoSO4 on efficiency and quality of a St.-John's-wort grass made a hole is studied. Not root feeds by nitrogen of urea stably during three years were increasing productivity of St.-John's-wort herb, promoted to relative growth of concentration in raw materials of biologically active substances - flavonoids and tannins, Raised gathering of a target product with a crop. Maximal accumulation of flavonoids and tannins in structural elements of the harvest was observed in leaves and flowers of St.-John's-wort was not less than 9,0 and 2,5% accordingly. It is in 3-9 times above, than in stalks. Following the results of two (of three) vegetation periods maximal insreasing of productivity of St.-John's-wort herb and of concentration of flavonoids and tannins in elevated bodies of plants (30 - 60 % to control level) were achieved at the variant with combined usig of 2% solution of СО(NН2)2 at the stage of rosette and 0,1% solution of СоSO4 at the stage of the beginning of budding.
Pages: 24-28
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